obj::calc Namespace Reference

Mathematical arithmetic objects. More...


class  Calculable
 Abstract mother class of all mathematical objects It is not possible to implement any Calculable object. More...
class  Value
 This class embedds Numbers & Strings into a basic object. More...
class  Exponented
 Exponented objects: Operations (Sums&Products), Items, Quotients. More...
class  Item
 It's the smallest displayable element (sign, value, exponent) The value can be either numeric or literal. More...
class  SquareRoot
 It's a Exponented under a square root The Exponented can be either numeric or literal. More...
class  Operation
 Abstract mother class of Product and Sum. More...
class  Product
 Has Exponented factors & an exponent. More...
class  Sum
 Has Exponented terms & an exponent. More...
class  Quotient
 Sign, Exponented numerator, Exponented denominator, exponent. More...
class  Monomial
 A Monomial is a Product of a numeric Exponented and a literal Item. More...
class  Polynomial
 A Polynomial is a Sum of Monomials, not necessarily reduced or ordered. More...
class  Fraction
 Quotient of two numeric Sums and/or Products. More...
class  Expandable
 Mother class of all expandable objects. More...
class  BinomialIdentity
 These objects are expanded using : (a+b)² = a² + 2ab + b², (a-b)² = a² -2ab + b² and (a+b)(a-b) = a² - b² This object is a Product of two Sums but won't be displayed as is in the case of (a+b)² and (a-b)². More...


def reduce_literal_items_product
 Returns the reduced Product made from the given literals list For example, [x, x², x**6] would return [x**9].
def put_term_in_lexicon
 A substitute for append() in a special case, for dictionaries This method checks if a "provided_key" is already in the lexicon.

Detailed Description

Mathematical arithmetic objects.

Function Documentation

def obj::calc::put_term_in_lexicon (   provided_key,

A substitute for append() in a special case, for dictionaries This method checks if a "provided_key" is already in the lexicon.

If yes, then the associated_coeff term is added to the matching Sum. If not, the key is created and a Sum is associated which will contain associated_coeff as only term.

provided_key The key to use
associated_coeff The value to save in the or add to the Sum
lexi The dictionary where to put the couple key/coeff

Definition at line 134 of file __init__.py.

def obj::calc::reduce_literal_items_product (   provided_list  ) 

Returns the reduced Product made from the given literals list For example, [x, x², x**6] would return [x**9].

Notice that the Items' sign isn't managed here

provided_list The literal Items list

Definition at line 68 of file __init__.py.

Generated on Fri Dec 30 19:26:37 2011 for mathmaker by  doxygen 1.6.3