2012/02/15 : Changed some names (make_string -> into_str for the objects ; -> type_str for the machine) Reorganized the multiple files that hang around in the main directory : have put them in a new /utils directory. Caused recursive importation problems which didn't occur before, very strangely. Solved. Wanted to add a kind of safe mode too, but I don't see how it can be used. I mean, in order to present the error result in a viewable form, mathmaker needs to produce an output in a specific format (LaTeX or odt or whatever). But if this would be easy to do with LaTeX, it isn't the case with other (non ML) formats, like odt, because the error could exactly come from the process of creating the output. Or maybe I can decide to let mathmaker produce only LaTeX error reports, but then when calling it from a webpage needing an odt result, it will be necessary to anticipate, in case of an error, that the next operations to do are the ones of LaTeX whatever the first call was about ; this doesn't make much sense. So I would say, no safe-mode included in mathmaker itself ; in case of an error of mathmaker (or any of the following programs), then the caller has to decide what it does with the error.
So, this will do the 0.3 (alpha)
Working on #55 Wrote some basic stuff. First geometrical object. Installed the last version of eukleides (on my platform it was still eukleides 0.9.2 !)
2012/02/14 : Working on #B Finished all sheets. Added some new features to LaTeX.write_table to let it draw borders of the table etc. Ran successfully an autotest-mathmaker --short-test-run Re-run each sheet and compiled it (latex) and corrected some changes that occured in some layouts between the first and the last sheet worked on. Finished : #B !!! Working on #59 Finished : #59 Note : this will shorten the Fractions' simplifications (the 'n/1' step will be skipped directly to 'n') Working on : #54(the pythagorean mode trick and internationalization) Done : #54(the pythagorean mode trick and internationalization) Note : the tests are already all in english, so I don't change it ; the translation of the "or" word seems to be done already. If I find this isn't done somewhere I haven't seen yet, I'll change it, it'll be done quickly anyway.
Next to do/finish :
2012/02/13 : Working on #B Corrected bugs and stuff, finally brought algebra-test-2 to work again ! Now going on with other sheets. Done all sheets till fraction-simplification ; so three sheets left and it will be done...
2012/02/07 : Working on #B Corrected some minor bugs and 1 syntax error :o) Now have to modify LaTeX.write_document_header() to let it return a str instead of writing to the output. (Just change all self.out.write() in result += and at the end, either self.out.write(result) or return result, depending on the value of self.redirect_output_to_str )
2012/02/04 : Working on #B Wrote the X_Structure.str() method inspired by the current S_Structure.write_(). Note that only X_Structure has a write method now (turned into str()), no other exercise needs to have it anymore. Changed the init() to make the machine of the exercise also always redirect to str, like in Q_Structure. X_Structure.str() doesn't need to have any option, only the argument ex_or_answers. So, deleted this redirect option which also shortened the code... Remember the questions (neither exercises) don't write themselves now, but they can be called through str(q, ex_or_answers) Also adapted the write_() of S_Structure (turned into texts_to_str()) to let it use str(exercise)... and renamed several methods, including write_whole_sheet (to str()) and adapted the calls of mathmaker and autotest-mathmaker.
2012/02/03 : Working on #B
2012/02/02 : Working on #B Now I think about another great change that could be done : the questions AND exercises shouldn't have write*() methods. Only the machine should be able to write. So it would be better to let all questions & exercises have a str() method (that could call a machine to create things) that would all return strings. After that, the machine can write it. It would make all the stuff more simple then, especially to write the X_Structure.write_() method which should become... X_Structure.str(). So, changed all questions' write methods so as to let them only return a str and not write themselves to the output. The given machine's field set_redirect_output_to_str set to True in init() from Q_Structure. Now, no question writes itself to the output, but is able to return a str of itself (provided argument 'exercises' or 'answers')
2012/01/31 : Working on #B Transformed all sheets. Begining to work on the transformation of exercises. Included a "all" and a "all_left" possible value after None in the SHEET_LAYOUT (and then also X_LAYOUTS...) to avoid determining exactly how many exercises/questions are to write when none is concerned by special layouts (so the default values can be None, 'all_left' or None, 'all') Then changed all sheets that do not require any layout... Back to exercises : transforming all exercises to make them use the X_LAYOUTS global. Not easy, because some of the exercises have very special write_answers() methods. Not done for Fatorization & Calculation yet. Inspiration from Equation ? (with the '?' to mean 'refer to a given max number'... ; for factorization there is a max/page either...) Finally thinking that the number of equations in each column is anyway fixed by "self.max_number..." so, maybe just take this value as the number of equations (e.g. questions) to put in each column. Then use the '?' for the previous multicolumn layout. I mean, with the LaTeX machine it will lead to multicolumn usage whereas with other languages it may lead to use something else. Changed the key type to a tuple (x_kind, x_subkind) in order to avoid having problems later with two subkinds having the same name but from two different kinds. Changing everything for factorization is too complicated to anticipate now. So, when checking and debugging, just add all the necessary layouts in X_LAYOUTS. Commented out the write_answer(). Put the '?' in exercise/Calculation.py X_LAYOUTS. This could be handled by multicolumns, but check if it is really necessary.
2012/01/30 : Working on #D and #B
So, back to #B : have rewritten the sheet/Structure.py and renamed it S_Structure.py ; it contains now everything needed. So StructureShortTest and StructureEquations were put to the garbage. Modified things in the different Structure.py files, all renamed (X_ or Q_...) Now mathmaker is certainly pretty much broken. Check sheet/AlgebraTest2 and bring it back to work (means certainly adapting exercise.AlgebraExpressionExpansion and exercise.Factorization ; and first maybe, create a global EXERCISE_LAYOUT inspired by SHEET_LAYOUT, this new global should be used by the exercises instead of them rewriting the write_texts/answers methods with lots of (deprecated) tabular methods. /!\ this global should be able to be different according to the x_kind/x_subkind. Maybe define it with a default value for this sort of exercises and modify it in the init() depending of self.x_kind/x_subkind Maybe also remember that all write_text and _answers of exercises (at least) are deprecated. Also note that the exercises don't have a answers_text field ; the text field now contains a dictionnary : {'exercises' : ("...."), 'answers' : ("....")}
Next to do/finish :
2012/01/29 : Working on #D and #B Successfully wrote and tested (with algebra-test-2) the algorithm in StructureShortTest.write_texts() to create the exercises arranged according to the given global SHEET_LAYOUT. Had to change the exercises.write_text() and questions.write_text() methods of Factorization and AlgebraExpressionExpansion to take the required "redirection to str" in account. Still many changes to do... (the same in other exercises/questions). Proceed with the StructureShortTest.write_answers() method ; note that it is exactly the same code as in write_texts() so maybe factorize this portion of code ? Anyway, StructureShortTest should definitely be merged with Structure, using a field as I wrote on 23rd january. Still to do in #D : maybe add a write_layout() method to the machine and use it instead of directly write_table() in order to have other means to define a sheet layout in other machines. In LaTeX.py, write_layout() would do nothing but call write_table() with the same args.
2012/01/26 : Working on #D Changed some other names to more appropriate ones. Wrote the write_table() method. Don't know how to test it directly (write a new test sheet ? ; best would certainly be to modify the sheet/StructureShortTest.py and test it with AlgebraTest2 Reported the modifications to machine/Structure.py ; now the machine Structure is independant from LaTeX !
2012/01/25 : Working on #D Tested the change for multicolumns, seems to work well :o) Changed some names. Suppressed the "expression_begins" field of the Machine, seemed completely useless (obj.calc objects use a global expression_begins)
2012/01/24 : Working on #D Quite transforming the LaTeX.py ; at the end, adapt the Structure.py Tried to suppress the two multicolumns-related methods, replaced them by an option in the write() method. Needed to add a 'output' field indicating if the output must be redirected to an str. Maybe this name is bad, because there is already an 'out' field which contains things like sys.stdout... Also added to (set & reset) methods allowing to change the value of this output field. The idea is to be able to concatenate different results of the machine usually sent to the std output. This allows to avoid having two multicolumns-related methods. But then I also needed to add a "write_text_to_str()" in a question py file to concatenate several questions strings before the resulting string is sent to a write(resulting_string, multicolumns=2) The transformation needs to be tested (see Calculation.py exercise & question where it has been implemented) The changing the tabular-related methods will certainly be similar (but more complicated since there are more methods)
2012/01/23 : About #B : I think it would be better to add also a layout_type field (self.layout_type) in the sheets ; it would be equal to "standard_training", "short_test", "test", or "mini_test" etc. and it could be used in Structure to determine which kind of layout will be used, instead of using so many different files (StructureShortTest.py, StructureEquation.py could disappear, be absorbed in Structure.py). I also think that it is time to rewrite the code of machine/Structure.py and hence machine/LaTeX.py in order to be really independant from the LaTeX format. This should be done before the #B can be finished. So I let #B aside for the moment and begin to work on #D.
Next to do/finish :
2012/01/22 : Working on #B. Added the global TEXT_SIZE_OFFSET = 0 in all sheets (and the Model.py) + the matching line to use it. Now thinking about the new LAYOUT global. Began to define a model for this LAYOUT about the sheets only so far (still to think and do for the questions' layout inside exercises). Written to Model.py and began to try to test it with AlgebraTest2.py : added the SHEET_LAYOUT and now, try to change the StructureShortTest.write_texts() and ~answers()
2012/01/17 : Working on #B. Done for all the current sheets and exercise/*.py Now go one with adding the FONT_SIZE_OFFSET global. In each... sheet ? For instance see self.machine.set_ref_text_size(-3) in sheet/AlgebraFactorization03 After that, think about the LAYOUT global to define and program !
2012/01/16 : Working on #B. Job done for all the Algebra* sheets. Now go on with the Equations sheets. The exercise/Equation.py needs to be transformed according to exercise/Model.py
2012/01/15 : Working on #B : transforming the options' system of the exercises. Most of the transformation to do is :
Progression is made throughout the sheets. All done entirely till AlgebraFactorization03.py, go on from AlgebraShortTest.py should be easy ; note that : the "short_test = 'yes'" maybe leads to something bypassing the exercise.py : use the "bypass" option then. Possibly check the old version to find which exercises/options were called if not clear.
2012/01/13 : Working on #B Changes also done in MentalCalculation Now begining with the exercises classes. Done for the change : kind -> x_kind Still to do : change the rules for the exercises' kinds options (the short_test='yes' and its specific subtype option are weird ; thinking about changing this to x_kind='short_test' and then x_subkind='...' ; maybe also put a AVAILABLE_X_LIST global which would list all kinds of exercises implemented yet and their matching "sub-options" ; something like AVAILABLE_X_KIND_VALUES =
{'short_test' : ['sign_expansion', 'medium_level', 'three_binomials', 'three_numeric_binomials'], 'preformatted' : ['mixed_monom_polyn1'] })
2012/01/12 : Working on #B Changes made for all questions except MentalCalculation still to do.
2012/01/10 : Working on #B Also will change the 'kind' variable of the questions in q_kind to distinguish it from the 'x_kind' (of the exercises). The same with subkind : q_subkind & x_subkind. Now the change of question.Model.py and question.Structure.py has been done in order to factorize the code in question.Structure.init(). The renaming of the kind & subkind in q_kind has been done for the question.AlgebraExpressionExpansion, question.AlgebraExpressionReduction and matching sheets & exercices. AVAILABLE_KINDS_LIST was also renamed AVAILABLE_Q_KINDS_LIST. Now proceed with question.Calculation.py etc. and after that, with the exercises sheets.
2012/01/09 : Working on #B. autotest-mathmaker --short-test-run was successfully run after some additions to the AVAILABLE_KINDS_LIST of question.AlgebraExpressionExpansion. Also done : question.AlgebraExpressionReduction Idea : try to put all these many lines into the question.Structure.init() (inspiration from the exercises...) Still to do !
2012/01/08 : Working on #B (relifting the sheets and exercises and questions Structures & Models according to the best implemented so far) : generalize the use of AVAILABLE_KINDS_LIST ; put the right stuff to have the tabulars in each sheet/exercise ; put the right stuff to have control over the size of characters. Began with the (almost finished) work on the AVAILABLE_KINDS_LIST of question.AlgebraExpressionExpansion (next time check that the sheets still work, that there is no option-checking problem)
2011/12/30 : Finished the layout for the test sheet for level 'hard' (3e). Some bugs to fix, not too bad : some lines are duplicated in the answers (I think it's the same as #59). French translation done.
Also changed Calculable in Exponented and Basic in Calculable
Next to do/finish :
2011/12/28 : Wrote the new algebra test sheet for level 'hard' (3e). Still to fix the display (a missing newline between the first & second line in correction of exercise 2 ; put the corrections of 1 & 2 in two columns to spare space... just look at the result. Notice that the layout of the exercises is chosen in the matching sheet (and the layout of the questions is chosen in the matching exercise)). + FRENCH translation ! Name : algebra-test-2
2011/04/07 : Wrote the new algebra test sheet routines [pour les 4èmes]. Now activate it and test it !
2011/02/22 : Work on the new algebra test sheet continued. Wrote the matching routines for the reduction exercise. Now, have to write the expansion exercise.
2011/02/21 : Began the work on a new algebra test sheet, harder than the first one. Wrote the matching routines for the factorization exercise of this sheet. (3 questions, among them one is not factorizable...) Began to write the routines for the reduction exercise (I wish to have 2 "normal" questions, where one contains a single "x" or "-x" ; plus one containing -(...) and/or +(...) ; plus one not reducible). So, have to finish to write the matching kind in sheet.exercise.question.AlgebraExpressionReduction.py and in the sheet.exercice.AlgebraExpressionReduction.py Also have to put some more expansions (2 singles, one double, one sum of 2 of them)
2011/02/20 : Created a new Equations test sheet.
New :
Next to do/finish :
2011/02/13 : Working on #58 Finished writing the code for the "fake" cases. Seems to work perfectly well. Now I would like to have smaller fonts in the output, and to be able to change the font size for each sheet at least. So I'm changing a little bit the LaTeX machine in order to do that. By the way, I try to make the rest of the code less LaTeX dependant doing this (at the end it should be completely LaTeX independant). This change is now done. Finished the algebra-factorization-03 sheet ! (for binomial identities !) Next to do in #58 : algebra-factorization-04 (or relift the 3rd sheet...) for both binomial- and common-factor-factorizations. + factorization-short-test
2011/02/11 : Working on #58 Abandoned the last idea, could be good but long to do now. Began to write the code for the "fake" cases.
2011/02/09 : Working on #58 Corrected the last problem. Was a bug in the "core" code ! All the "true" cases are ready. Next to do : the fake ones. Think about factorizing the code to avoid creating the same ax and b and (ax)² and b² many times in many places...
2011/02/08 : Working on #58 Still correcting the bugs. Had to create a new obj.Equality class to let display things like "Let a = 3x and b = 3 then 2×a×b = 2×3x×3" etc. Working at the end of level_03() to use these objects to have a right displaying in the latex sheet. The first cases are done (square sums and differences). Working on the squares differences. Have a problem with the 2-exponented Monomials displaying. Check the sheet...
2011/02/07 : Working on #58 Began to write the method. Just had to change the way the steps are created in the __init__() method. Check if the first factorization exercises sheets still work fine. Later : still seems to work fine. Wrote the first kinds of questions and the first draft of the new training sheet. Still debugging it !
2011/02/06 : Working on #58 Next time on #58 : write the level_03 method in ~/mathmaker/sheet/exercise/question/Factorization.py
New :
Found a small "bug" in algebra-factorization-02. Check the last of these lines : $ D=(-4x+18)(17x-3)+4x(17x-3) $\newline $ D=(17x-3)\times (-4x+18+4x) $\newline $ D=(17x-3)((-4+4)x+18) $\newline $ D=(17x-3)(0x+18) $\newline $ D=(17x-3)18 $\newline $ D=(17x-3)\times 18 $\newline $ D=18(17x-3) $\newline Same kind of bug : $ A=(5x+10)\times 6x+(-20-5x)\times 6x $\newline $ A=6x\times (5x+10-20-5x) $\newline $ A=6x((5-5)x+10-20) $\newline $ A=6x(0x-10) $\newline $ A=6x\times (-10) $\newline $ A=6x\times (-10) $\newline $ A=-60x $\newline
Creation of a better training sheet for factorizations, including binomial identities factorization
Still to do : #54(the pythagorean mode trick and internationalization), #55, #57, #58, #B, #D, #E', #NR1, #NR2, #NR3
2010/12/25 : Working on #54 The displaying of a unit at the last line is being added as an option to pass to auto_resolution(). Like eq.auto_resolution(unit='cm'). Done and tested on a pythagorean Equation only, so far. Thinking about the feature of returning the solution(s) along with the complete detailed resolution. auto_resolution() should return a tuple of two elements, the first one being the usual string containing the complete resolution, the second one being a list containing either nothing if there are no solutions, or one or two objects being the solution(s). Still to do : the pythagorean mode trick and internationalization.
2010/12/24 : Working on #54 Added the unit field to an Item plus the matching methods (set_unit and added the option 'display_unit' to the Item's make_string). After thinking about it, it would be good to add it directly to the Equation object. Only problem : to discover which is the last line to display... It would be also good to add the feature of returning the solution(s) of an Equation to let the Exercise using it display them in a phrase for instance. Still to do : the pythagorean mode trick and internationalization.
2010/11/26 : Working on #54 Found the bug. Still some little things to correct :
Both problems corrected. Added a pythagorean mode. Still to do in #54 : internationalization + add the unit field to an Item (displaying it if required) & the option unit="cm" (for instance) in the equation to let it display at the end. And just correct the trick with pythagorean_mode=latex.MARKUP maybe rather write pythagorean_mode='yes', use_markup=latex.MARKUP would be better, so change the matching portion of solve_next_step().
Still to do : #54, #55, #B, #D, #E', #NR1, #NR2, #NR3
2010/11/25 : Working on #52 and then #54 Wrote the basic methods. Wrote the matching unit tests, plus the first equations tests using square roots.
Thinking about #54 : resolving an Equation like x² = 4. Problem is, this must split in 2 equations... Maybe a solution is to return a tuple containing these two Equations from solve_next_step and add the right algorithm in auto_resolution to handle with such cases. Must implement also a "pythagorean mode", which will mention the negative solution is ignored (for instance as a string stored as eq_aux2 in the tuple instead of the negative solution). Also think about the case the two new Equations don't use the same amount of lines to finish the resolution (then store any useful information to display a last line like "The solutions are..."). Will certainly be required when solving things like (2x - 1)(3/4 x + 5) = 0, so maybe don't implement it right now... This should be done in auto_resolution, anyway. Also think about the internationalization of the small linking word "or". In the methods plus in the unit test. Stopping for tonight ! Well the last equation tested doesn't resolve well, it introduces a bug, most probably in auto_resolution. Just add some debugging features in auto_resolution and turn True the debug.ENABLED flag and begin to work on cleaning this bug ! Then add some more tests (like resolving x²=16 with decimal_result=2 ; x² = 5 without decimal_result ; x² = 5 with decimal_result = 3 for instance, then an almost pythagorean equation : x² = 3² + 4² ; then...).
2010/11/24 : Working on #52 Writing the first SquareRoots methods inspired from Item's methods (I mean, the kind of required methods). Resume at line 2142.
2010/11/23 : Working on #51 That's done. Maybe the management of locales could be better (mathmaker.cfg, default.py...). Maybe in the unit test, the check function could handle the locales itself, instead of. No, bad idea, the strings are given to check "as are", it can't guess how it can be changed. No, use the locale module in the tests is correct. So, #51 is done ! Plus #53, actually.
2010/11/22 : Working on #51 Found out that the correct function seems to be locale.str() to display the numbers in their locale variant. There are 23 tests not working now, which seem to be exactly the cases where decimals are expected. So now, just change the test to let it accept the locale displaying and all should be fine. (Then #51 would be finally done !)
2010/11/21 : Working on #51 Added the new Equations in the matching test unit. Made all of them work fine [added the feature of displaying a decimal result to solve_next_step and Fraction.calculate_next_step + added a new has_been_rounded field in Value + the matching contains_a_rounded_number method in all the Calculables classes]. Now, to achieve the #51, just finish with the localization problem (of the decimal_point) [maybe check if this couldn't be done by latex itself ?]. So, checked it and almost implemented it : lot of the Values' test are now wrong (displaying 3,14 instead of 3.14 now : not bad, just correct the test : this should be done by replacing the '.' in the test string by the default.DECIMAL_POINT). BUT the Equations still display stuff like 2.38 instead of 2,38 in the autotest, and *that* is not good, they should also give errors in the test, they don't. To do : find why and correct this. [It seems to come from the Item.make_string() which directly uses the value field instead of calling the self.value_object.make_string(), but this could also cause problems, so think about it, check if it would be OK to just replace self.value by self.value_object.make_string()...]
2010/11/20 : Working on #51. Conclusion :
The equations to test are : 2x = 1 which gives either x = 1/2 ; None OR (same result in the two cases of the option activated to decimal_result=1 and 2) x = 1/2 ; x = 0.5 ; None. Second equation to test : 3x = 1 which gives either x = 1/3 ; None OR (in the case of the option activated to decimal_result=2) x = 1/3 ; x <sign for approximatively equal to> 0.33 ; None. Third Equation to test : 8x = 6 which should give as a result (in the case of the option activated to decimal_result=2) : x = 6/8 ; x = 0.75 ; None. Fourth Equation to test : x = 3² + 4² which should give the same result as when the option is not activated (x = 9 + 16 ; x = 25 ; None). Fifth Equation to test (with option activated to decimal_result=2) : x = 1/4 + 1/8, which gives as a result : x = 2/8 + 1/8 ; x = 3/8 ; x <sign for approximatively equal to> 0.63 ; None. Sixth Equation to test : AB = 3² + 4². Cause also noted that the Item is not thought to display literal strings longer then one char, which is not practical for displaying things like AB²... so check if giving this possibility doesn't breack everything (that shouldn't be). Finally, there must be also an option in the Value.make_string() to use the locale for displaying number, for instance in english 2.5 gives 2,5 in french. Test this in Values' unit test. (Most probably last thing to do to achieve #51 : use of decimals will be fully possible then !)
2010/11/19 : Working on #51. Conclusion : Implemented the new methods Value.round(precision), Value.digits_numbers() and Value.needs_to_get_rounded(precision) plus matching tests. Should also implement the equivalent methods for numeric Items whose exponent is equivalent to a single 1.
2010/11/13 : Conclusion of 11/12 : Currently working on #50 and #E. See last comments here + autotest-mathmaker -V !!! (the autotest_output.txt file contains the last interesting informations to investigate, around the # 12 of Equations...). There might be a need for putting more debug stuff in the soft... and long time and clear spirit, not tired, to kill this bug... Still to do : #51, #52, #53, #54, #55, #B, #D, #NR1, #NR2, #NR3
Working on #E, #50, #51
New :
Bug is reproduced in autotest-mathmaker. A guess : an Equation has been built or changed improperly so that one member is not a Sum anymore.
Done :
Still to do : #51, #52, #53, #54, #55, #B, #D, #E', #NR1, #NR2, #NR3
2010/11/12 : Working on #37 Bug of yesterday is reproduced. Working on it. Trying to correct the bug in this way : I think the put_term_in_lexicon function is responsible for it. This creates systematically a Sum and embbeds numeric Items, even alone, in a Sum. This could actually be put in a list, to let the calling method do what it want with the list, possibly turning it into a Sum. But well, I don't see any other usage of it than putting it in a Sum after the call of put_term_in_lexicon. So, let's just put an Object alone in the lexicon and if there is another one coming, then put them in a Sum. Right in put_term_in_lexicon. Let's see if it will not cause new bugs !!! Well, it does. This is not a good solution, because when a method calls get_terms_lexicon, it doesn't know if each element of the result if either a Sum or anything else. And it is used in several places, so it would lead to change and enlarge the code everytime get_terms_lexicon is called. So, back to previous version. So the bug is to correct in the intermediate line : just depack every single-term-Sum.
Done :
Reorganization :
New (or reminder) :
+ Trying to prepare the Pythagorean Theorem Exercise, so :
So, working on #50. It resolves the Equation, but a) skips one step, plus b) the present algorithm won't be well suited to Pythagorean Equation resolution. So either write source code specifically for Pythagorean Equations, or adapt the one existing to work also well on Pythagorean Equations. Done : #50 b) and I guess the #50 a) requires first #E to be done to get solved.
So, working on #E. Changed the beginning of Sum. & Product.expand_and_reduce_next_step() & calculate_next_step(). Plus added an inoffensive patch in Operation.evaluate() to let a Monomial of degree 0 be evaluated. Plus added a patch in Sum.get_terms_lexicon() to handle with Monomials before the Products. Plus added a patch in Sum.calculate_next_step() to replace the 0-degree-Monomials by equivalent Items/Fractions
Now there are still three kinds of bugs :
2010/11/11 : Working on #37 Managed to resolve the problems, plus improve the management of fractions. All tests pass successfully. Yu-hu :o) Now working on resolving the bugs in the corresponding sheets. Got them "all"... all sheets seem to work... Long test run gives a new bug :
$ (E_{0}): -(5x-1)+7=9 $\newlineas well as $ (E_{4}): 3(-5-2x)+2=8 $\newline as well as $ (E_{3}): -7-2(x+9)=2 $\newline as well as $ (E_{3}): 3(-9+6x)-8=9 $\newline as well as $ (E_{4}): 6(-2-2x)-1=3 $\newline all result in : [...]
File "/home/nico/mathmaker/obj/init.py", line 703, in solve_next_step next_right_X = new_eq.right_hand_side.expand_and_reduce_next_step() File "/home/nico/mathmaker/obj/calc/init.py", line 4975, in expand_and_reduce_next_step test = copy.term[i].expand_and_reduce_next_step() File "/home/nico/mathmaker/obj/calc/init.py", line 833, in expand_and_reduce_next_step 'expand_and_reduce_next_step')error.MethodShouldBeRedefined: The method expand_and_reduce_next_step has just been called by this type of object <class 'obj.calc.Quotient'> that should have redefined it in order to use it.
But these ones don't get the bug : $ (E_{0}): 4(-x+9)+8=5-2x $\newline $ (E_{1}): -5+9x=7(-x+2)-9x $\newline $ (E_{2}): 2=-3(5-3x) $\newline $ (E_{3}): -6x=-(-7-5x) $\newline $ (E_{1}): -(5x-3)=-3x $\newline $ (E_{2}): -7(-5+8x)=-7x $\newline $ (E_{2}): -4-7(-5x-4)=2x $\newline
... check it ! (Maybe defining the expand_and_reduce_next_step in Quotient would resolve the problem, but check if this case doesn't lead to a bug (unsolved Equation, or a line repeated twice...)) Idea of expand_and_reduce_next_step in Quotient would be calling it on numerator and denominator and if nothing happened, check if self cannot turn into a Fraction (Item/0-degree-Monomials Products) and call expand_and_reduce_next_step of Fraction...
2010/11/10 : Working on #37 Trying to change the signs handling during Fractions' calculation/simplification. Managed to have the frac{-1}{-6} not the last of the simplification, but frac{1}{6} instead of that ; BUT now when reducing to the same denominator, this adds a step : 1/6 + -1/9 becomes 1/6 - 1/9 instead of beginning with (1×3)/(6×3) + (-1×2)/(9×2). This is not wrong but adds a quite useless step. Don't really know if pupils do that step or not, anyway I don't think they do it just for the sign... So, let's explore the fractions-sums unit test with Sum.calculate_next_step on !
2010/11/09 : Working on #37 Checked the "failed" results, they all seem actually ok, the only point to change is relative to the fractions simplification (the signs). So check this !
2010/11/08 : Working on #37 Chose to write two new methods in Sum : get_numeric_terms and get_literal_terms Corrected a bug (the "depacking" at the beginning of solve_next_step was wrong). Finally got the test passing entirely without any bug. But there's a need to think about the test to enter the second case in solve_next_step (the case of a Sum of 1 term being literal at the right had to be treated in this case, check if the symetric problem (1 numeric term at the left) should be never done...) Next step, check if the produced by the new algorithm "failed" resolutions are actually correct... and if not, correct them ! There seem to be a need for correcting something in the process of fraction simplification (the signs "inside" might be treated first ?).
2010/11/07 : Working on #37 Rewrote the resolve_next_step almost entirely. Trying to let it run through the autotest-mathmaker. Had to rework on the 2d Case (collecting the numeric terms from the left to put them on the right and the literal terms from the right to put them on the left) and changed the method (1st round and 2d round). Now this method doesn't work well (tried to use the Sum.get_terms_lexicon method, which I apparently don't use well with Monomial in the Sum...). Maybe write a method in Sum that would be more simple than Sum.get_terms_lexicon (we don't need as much as get_terms_lexicon does, in the present case) and use it in resolve_next_step (2d case) instead of get_terms_lexicon. Note that moreover, the situation to deal with here is very simple... The problem that lead me to change the 2d case algorithm was caused by a Sum imbricated in one another (this one : [[< {+7^.1.} × {+x^.1.} > + < {+5^.1.} > ] ] ). In this case, the sum [< {+7^.1.} × {+x^.1.} > + < {+5^.1.} > ] was caught entirely to be put on the left (as it is not entirely numeric, it is treated as literal). So a simple method collecting right (e.g. diving recursively into the problem) would be sufficient to solve this case. The other option is to adapt get_terms_lexicon in order (or maybe the use of it ?) to avoid getting this problem : Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nico/mathmaker/autotest-mathmaker", line 27, in <module> autotest.main() File "/home/nico/mathmaker/autotest/init.py", line 257, in main unit.action() File "/home/nico/mathmaker/autotest/obj_test/equations_test.py", line 234, in action eq_basic1 = eq_basic1.solve_next_step() File "/home/nico/mathmaker/obj/init.py", line 781, in solve_next_step new_eq.left_hand_side.remove(term) File "/home/nico/mathmaker/obj/calc/init.py", line 1951, in remove + str(self))error.UnreachableData: Can't find : {+7^.1.} in << {+1^.1.} × X ^1>> , << {+7^.1.} ×(..)
2010/11/05 : Working on #37
2010/01/02 : Working on #37
2009/12/25 : Working on #37 The __init__() method of obj.Equation has been checked, it creates Equations that are of the model Sum = Sum. Two places could be secured, though it's not really useful. That's written in comments (TO DO ?)
2009/09/20 : Worked on the improvement of the factorization sheet #1. The first 'basic' exercise produces actually too many 'difficult' questions. It needs to be more controlled, not totally randomly created. It is finished and satisfying.
Working on #37 (rewriting the Equation.solve_next() method). Simplified the 1st CASE. Deleted the 2d CASE (changing the resolution method : we won't swap the sides if the left one is only numeric). Thinking about the reorganization using the new methods available. Decided that the two sides of an Equation object must be Sums and nothing else. This should make everything much more simple : the 1st CASE becomes useless, several cases can merge together etc. But I have to change the __init__() method slightly. Rewrote on paper the algorithm in __init__() to be sure to avoid strange constructions like imbricated one-term Sums or one-factor Products. Rewrote on paper the algorithm of Equation.solve_next()
2009/02/28 : Working on #A & #C.
Done :
Still to do : finalize the current new factorization sheet, #37, #49bis, #B & #50
2009/02/27 : Working on the new factorization sheet. Exercices "easy" & "intermediate" are quite ready. Still a "difficult" and a "hard" exercise to do.
New :
Still to do :
2009/02/26 : Working on the correction of bug new_factorization_sheet[1], related to the Monomial's patch in the displaying of (external) brackets of a factor inside of a Product.
New :
Done :
Still to do : finalize the current new factorization sheet, #37, #49bis & #50
2009/02/25 : Working on the correction of bug new_factorization_sheet[1], related to the Monomial's patch in the displaying of (external) brackets of a factor inside of a Product.
2009/02/19 : Finished the restructuration of autotest in sub-units. Fixed the problem with AVAILABLE_UNITS (both a list and a dictionnary are created using AVAILABLE_UNITS). Finished to reproduce the tests from the old autotest script. This new structure is more practical and flexible, it's easy to add new options to the main script and new units to test (so real unit tests are possible to write now). Coming back to the new factorization sheet.
new_factorization_sheet[1] has been reproduced in obj_test/calc_test/product_test.py with the object : Item(-1) * Product([Monomial, Monomial
displaying then -1×-7x instead of -1×(-7x). Later : the error is still here with the object : Item(-1) * Product([Monomial
]) so it has nothing to do with equivalent-to-1 objects ; it obviously comes from Product.make_string() which seems to ignore that Monomial
is not at the first position. Investigating this.
Done :
2009/02/16 : Still working on the restructuration of autotest in sub-units. Slightly changed & factorized some code and remade monomials, products' reduction, sums, sums' reduction, quotients, fraction simplification, fractions products, fractions quotients, fractions sums and equations. Have to modify again the structure used for AVAILABLE_UNITS, since a dictionnary seems to fit best... it's necessary to use it to get the right units more simply than with a list, but then I must try to build the names of the units from the strings (or vice-versa).
2009/02/11 : Still working on the restructuration of autotest in sub-units. Finally found a solution for this problem ! Remade item & product test sections. Have now to build all the other old sections.
2009/02/08 : Still working on the restructuration of autotest in sub-units. Looking for a solution for a problem with global variables used in the tests.
2009/02/07 : Still working on the restructuration of autotest in sub-units. Looking for a solution for a problem with global variables used in the tests.
2009/02/01 : Still working on the restructuration of autotest in sub-units. Currently testing it with autotest-mathmaker -u item
2009/01/31 : obj/calc/__init__.py : Monomial.__init__() : corrected the attribution of lib.ZERO_POLYNOMIAL_DEGREE to Value(lib.ZERO_POLYNOMIAL_DEGREE) to the exponent of factor[1]
Testing the new factorization sheet : two new bugs to correct :
Beginning to restructure the autotest module to make it modular and more usable.
2009/01/30 : Factorization.py : the steps are put in the right order directly in level_01() instead of __init__() Factorization.py : the solution is now returned by level_01() and level_02() included in steps
Finished the first try of Factorization's question object (level_02() is ready to be tested !)
Still to do :
2009/01/29 : test 1 has been done and autotest and autotest --short-test-run work properly. test 2 has been tried but leads to bugs related (at least, after short inquiry) to Monomials' displaying, so I gave up.
2009/01/23 : test 2 : managing 1-exponent Products differently in Product.__init__() in case of a list of Calculables ? maybe add the Values (treated as numbers) in Sum.__init__() and Product.__init__() test 1 : eliminating __add__() and __mul__() from Calculables and Basics. putting times() and plus() higher in the hierarchy. replacing all direct operations on object.exponent by operations on object.exponent.evaluate()
2009/01/21 : Decided to keep the names of times() and plus() functions to represent the functions creating a Product or a Sum from their arguments. Decided not to use __add__() and __mul__() because then, the notations obj1 + obj2 or obj1 * obj2, even if shorter, can be confusing, letting the reader think something numerical is being calculated there, instead of the simple creation of an object. So the two functions should be simple return Sum([self, arg]) and return Product([self, arg]) and implemented in a Class like Basic or Calculable. There's no need to code more than that. So (almost ?) all other __add__() and __mul__() and times() and plus() functions should be deleted. This change is still to be done.
Decided to delay #49 to next release.
New :
Still to do :
2009/01/18 : Working further on the new factorization sheet. Beginning to re-think the roles of plus(), times(), __add__() and __mul__() methods. The __add__() and __mul__() were thought to be used in cases the result is needed, like Item(1) + Item(2) whould return Item(3) ; whereas plus() and times() were thought to be used only to create Sums and Products, like Item(1).plus(Item(2)) would return Sum([Item(1), Item(2)]). So far, the __add__() and __mul__() methods are useless. The aim of mathmaker is not to compute anything rapidly, it will always create the different steps to the solution like a human being would. So, I'm trying to get rid of useless methods.
2009/01/14 : Working on another factorization sheet
2009/01/10 : Added a factorization sheet and a factorization exercise in the algebra short test sheet.
2008/11/05 : Done :
Still to do :
For next release : #51 & #52
2008/11/04 : Done :
2008/11/03 : New :
Done :
Still working on #32. It's hard to get various interesting results, not too complicated, not too simple. 11 comes much too often for now ; sometimes an interesting simplification could be proposed but isn't and we get a "big" result (like 35/12 * 4/19 instead of * 4/5)
So, still to do :
2008/11/02 : Won't be done :
New :
Working on #32. Created a function returning randomly a number coprime to a given number, chosen in a given range. Still have to test it + in exercise/Calculation.py, to add the modifications to the creation of the fractions.
Still to do :
2008/10/26 : New :
Fixed :
Still to do :
2008/10/25 : New :
Fixed & done :
Working on #43 Still to do :
2008/09/21 : Working on #30. Maybe still put a lower probability of getting high seed numbers. Don't forget to check the other sheets pdf results.
2008/08/06 : Fixed :
Made a long test run (100×each sheet). The sheets need to be checked again (check the resulting pdf files). Next step when coming back from holidays : #30 & #32
Still to do :
2008/08/05 : New :
2008/08/03 : Finished correcting the bugs from #36
Fixed :
Still to do :
2008/08/02 : Still correcting the bugs from #36
2008/07/26 : Correcting the bugs from #36
2008/07/25 : Continuing on #34 & #36 : code reviewed & autotest phase (the changes engenders lots of failed tests in autotest, probably because the deep_copy makes some == tests return False instead of True, before...)
2008/07/24 : Doing #36 & #34
2008/07/23 : new :
fixed :
still to do :
2008/07/22 : new :
fixed :
still to do :
2008/07/17 : Implementing the "Sums of fractions" worksheet. Testing the algorithm. new :
2008/07/14 : Improved the algorithm, it works on the first general tests.
2008/07/13 : Wrote the first version of the algorithm to get the calculation steps of a sum of fractions. Still to be improved...
2008/07/09 : Begining to write code to get the calculation steps of a sum of fractions.
2008/05/21 : fixed|done :
won't be done :
2008/05/20 : new bugs :
fixed | done :
still to do !
2008/05/18 : Fixed some bugs
Still to fix :
2008/05/12 : Tested AlgebraBalance01, corrected some bugs, beginning to create EquationsHarder sheet. New bugs :
To do :
Fixed :
2008/05/10 : New bugs :
New improvements :
Fixed :
2008/05/09 :
Still to fix :
New problem :
Improvements to do :
2008/05/08 :
2008/05/08 : Implementing the first algebra balance sheet. Adding a -(2x + 7) + (x + 3) reducing feature. Problems :
2008/05/07 :
2008/05/06 :
2008/05/06 : Still to fix|do :
2008/05/05 :
2008/05/02 :
still to fix :
2008/04/23 :
2008/04/08 :