sheet.AlgebraBalance_01.AlgebraBalance_01 | A complete expansion&reduction training sheet |
sheet.AlgebraBinomialIdentityExpansion.AlgebraBinomialIdentityExpansion | Expand (a+b)², (a-b)², (a+b)(a-b).. |
sheet.AlgebraExpressionExpansion.AlgebraExpressionExpansion | One exercise with 3x(2-7x) & 5(3+x) objects, another with (2+x)(3-x) |
sheet.AlgebraExpressionReduction.AlgebraExpressionReduction | Reduce a Product, a Sum, a Sum of Products |
sheet.AlgebraFactorization_01.AlgebraFactorization_01 | Some easy factorization exercises |
sheet.AlgebraFactorization_02.AlgebraFactorization_02 | Some easy factorization exercises |
sheet.AlgebraFactorization_03.AlgebraFactorization_03 | Factorizing binomial identities training sheet |
sheet.AlgebraMiniTest0.AlgebraMiniTest0 | A simple algebra mini-test |
sheet.AlgebraMiniTest1.AlgebraMiniTest1 | One expansion (randomly but sum of 2 expandables) + 2 factorizations |
sheet.AlgebraShortTest.AlgebraShortTest | A short test on elementary algebra, "easy" level |
sheet.AlgebraTest.AlgebraTest | A test on elementary algebra, "medium" level |
sheet.AlgebraTest2.AlgebraTest2 | A test on elementary algebra, "harder" level (binomials exp/fact) |
core.base_geometry.Angle | |
lib.error.ArgumentNeeded | - Exceptions:
core.base_calculus.BinomialIdentity | These objects are expanded using : (a+b)² = a² + 2ab + b², (a-b)² = a² -2ab + b² and (a+b)(a-b) = a² - b² This object is a Product of two Sums but won't be displayed as is in the case of (a+b)² and (a-b)² |
core.root_calculus.Calculable | Abstract mother class of all (calculable) mathematical objects It is not possible to implement any Calculable object |
core.base.Clonable | All objects that are used must be able to be copied deeply Any Clonable are provided the clone() method, no need to reimplement it |
core.base_calculus.CommutativeOperation | Abstract mother class of Product and Sum |
core.calculus.ComposedCalculable | Abstract mother class of objects composed of Calculable=Calculable=.. |
sheet.ConverseAndContrapositiveOfPythagoreanTheoremShortTest.ConverseAndContrapositiveOfPythagoreanTheoremShortTest | The short test about the converse and contrapositive of the |
core.calculus.CrossProductEquation | All objects that are displayable as Cross Product Equations |
core.base.Drawable | All Drawable objects |
core.calculus.Equality | These are object of the kind : Exponented = Exponented [= ...] |
core.calculus.Equation | One degree one variable |
sheet.EquationsBasic.EquationsBasic | Collection of basic equations to solve (like x+7=-9, 5x=10, 3=2-x...) |
sheet.EquationsClassic.EquationsClassic | Collection of basic equations to solve (like x+7=-9, 5x=10, 3=2-x...) |
sheet.EquationsHarder.EquationsHarder | Equations with at least one simple expandable expression inside |
sheet.EquationsShortTest.EquationsShortTest | A short test on first degree equations |
sheet.EquationsTest.EquationsTest | A short test on first degree equations |
core.root_calculus.Evaluable | Abstract mother class of all (evaluable) mathematical objects It is not possible to implement any Evaluable object |
core.base_calculus.Expandable | Mother class of all expandable objects |
core.root_calculus.Exponented | Exponented objects: CommutativeOperations (Sums&Products), Items, Quotients.. |
core.calculus.Expression | These are object of the kind : Name = Exponented |
core.base_calculus.Fraction | Quotient of two numeric Sums and/or Products |
sheet.FractionSimplification.FractionSimplification | Two training exercises to simplify a Fraction |
sheet.FractionsProductAndQuotient.FractionsProductAndQuotient | Products & Quotients of Fractions |
sheet.FractionsSum.FractionsSum | |
FractionsSums | Exercises about calculating the sum of two or more fractions |
core.base_calculus.Function | It's all the f(x), cos(x) etc |
lib.error.ImpossibleAction | - Exceptions:
core.base_calculus.Item | It's the smallest displayable element (sign, value, exponent) The value can be either numeric or literal |
machine.LaTeX.LaTeX | This machine knows how to write LaTeX commands & math expressions |
sheet.MentalCalculation.MentalCalculation | This is a sheet for the teacher to make oral mental calculation tests |
lib.error.MethodShouldBeRedefined | - Exceptions:
core.base_calculus.Monomial | A Monomial is a Product of a numeric Exponented and a literal Item |
core.base.NamedObject | Abstract mother class of objects having a name |
lib.error.NotImplementedYet | - Exceptions:
lib.error.NotInstanciableObject | - Exceptions:
core.base_calculus.Operation | Abstract mother class of Quotient and of CommutativeOperation |
lib.error.OutOfRangeArgument | - Exceptions:
core.base_geometry.Point | |
core.base_calculus.Polynomial | A Polynomial is a Sum of Monomials, not necessarily reduced or ordered |
core.base.Printable | All Printable objects : Exponenteds & others (Equations...) Any Printable must reimplement the into_str() method |
core.base_calculus.Product | Has Exponented factors & an exponent |
sheet.PythagoreanTheoremShortTest.PythagoreanTheoremShortTest | The short test about the pythagorean theorem |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_AlgebraExpressionExpansion.Q_AlgebraExpressionExpansion | An object to expand (like 2(x-3), 4x(2-9x), (3+x)(x-1) or (x+1)² etc.) |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_AlgebraExpressionReduction.Q_AlgebraExpressionReduction | All algebraic expression reduction questions |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_Calculation.Q_Calculation | All kinds of numeric calculation questions (Fractions Sums, Products, numeric Sums & Products with priorities etc.) |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_Equation.Q_Equation | All questions about Equations (first degree, one unknown variable) |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_Factorization.Q_Factorization | Question related to the factorization of a literal expression |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_MentalCalculation.Q_MentalCalculation | Creates one whole tabular full of questions + answers |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_Model.Q_Model | Use it as a copy/paste model to create new questions |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_RightTriangle.Q_RightTriangle | All questions about the right triangle |
sheet.exercise.question.Q_Structure.Q_Structure | Contains the method to be reimplemented by any question |
core.base_calculus.Quotient | Sign, Exponented numerator, Exponented denominator, exponent |
core.base_geometry.Ray | |
core.geometry.RightTriangle | |
sheet.S_Model.S_Model | Use it as a copy/paste model to create new sheets |
sheet.S_Structure.S_Structure | Abstract mother class of all sheets ! The constructor only has to be reimplemented, it is useless to reimplement other methods |
core.base_geometry.Segment | |
core.root_calculus.Signed | Signed objects: CommutativeOperations (Sums&Products), Items, Quotients.. |
core.base_calculus.SquareRoot | It's a Exponented under a square root The Exponented can be either numeric or literal |
machine.Structure.Structure | Not instanciable mother class of all machine objects |
core.calculus.SubstitutableEquality | Like an Equality with literals and the numeric values to replace them |
core.base_calculus.Sum | Has Exponented terms & an exponent |
core.calculus.Table | All objects that are displayable as Tables |
core.calculus.Table_UP | All objects that are displayable as proportional Tables but uncomplete |
core.geometry.Triangle | |
lib.error.UncompatibleObjects | - Exceptions:
lib.error.UncompatibleOptions | - Exceptions:
lib.error.UncompatibleType | - Exceptions:
lib.error.UnknownOutputFormat | - Exceptions:
lib.error.UnreachableData | - Exceptions:
core.root_calculus.Value | This class embedds Numbers & Strings into a basic object |
lib.error.WrongArgument | - Exceptions:
lib.error.WrongObject | - Exceptions:
sheet.exercise.X_AlgebraExpressionExpansion.X_AlgebraExpressionExpansion | Expressions to expand (like 2(x-3) or 4x(2-9x) or (3+x)(x-1)) |
sheet.exercise.X_AlgebraExpressionReduction.X_AlgebraExpressionReduction | This new exercise object should include all possible reduction exercises |
sheet.exercise.X_Calculation.X_Calculation | Calculation questions (calculate : 2-(3+5)×4, simplify a fraction...) |
sheet.exercise.X_Equation.X_Equation | All exercises related with equations resolution |
sheet.exercise.X_Factorization.X_Factorization | Factorization exercises |
sheet.exercise.X_MentalCalculation.X_MentalCalculation | Creates a tabular with n questions and answers |
sheet.exercise.X_Model.X_Model | Use it as a copy/paste model to create new exercises |
sheet.exercise.X_RightTriangle.X_RightTriangle | All exercices about the Right Triangle |
sheet.exercise.X_Structure.X_Structure | Mother class of all exercises objects |