mathmaker  0.4(alpha)
Public Member Functions | Properties
core.root_calculus.Exponented Class Reference

Exponented objects: CommutativeOperations (Sums&Products), Items, Quotients... More...

Inheritance diagram for core.root_calculus.Exponented:
core.root_calculus.Signed core.root_calculus.Calculable core.root_calculus.Evaluable core.base.Printable core.base.NamedObject core.base.Clonable core.base_calculus.Item core.base_calculus.Operation core.base_calculus.Function core.base_calculus.CommutativeOperation core.base_calculus.Quotient core.base_calculus.SquareRoot core.base_calculus.Product core.base_calculus.Sum core.base_calculus.Fraction core.base_calculus.Expandable core.base_calculus.Monomial core.base_calculus.Polynomial core.base_calculus.BinomialIdentity

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def get_exponent
 Gets the exponent of the Function.
def set_exponent
 Set the value of the exponent.
def exponent_must_be_displayed
 True if the exponent isn't equivalent to a single 1.


 exponent = property(get_exponent, doc = "Exponent of the Function")

Detailed Description

Exponented objects: CommutativeOperations (Sums&Products), Items, Quotients...

Any Exponented must have a exponent field and should reimplement the methods that are not already defined hereafter

Definition at line 1121 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

def core.root_calculus.Exponented.set_exponent (   self,

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