mathmaker  0.4(alpha)
Classes | Variables
core::root_calculus Namespace Reference

Mostly abstract classes for mathematical calculus objects. More...


class  Evaluable
 Abstract mother class of all (evaluable) mathematical objects It is not possible to implement any Evaluable object. More...
class  Calculable
 Abstract mother class of all (calculable) mathematical objects It is not possible to implement any Calculable object. More...
class  Signed
 Signed objects: CommutativeOperations (Sums&Products), Items, Quotients... More...
class  Value
 This class embedds Numbers & Strings into a basic object. More...
class  Exponented
 Exponented objects: CommutativeOperations (Sums&Products), Items, Quotients... More...


tuple markup_choice = cfg.get_value_from_file('MARKUP', 'USE')

Detailed Description

Mostly abstract classes for mathematical calculus objects.