mathmaker  0.4(alpha)
Classes | Variables
core::base_calculus Namespace Reference

Mathematical elementary arithmetic and algebraic objects. More...


class  Item
 It's the smallest displayable element (sign, value, exponent) The value can be either numeric or literal. More...
class  Function
 It's all the f(x), cos(x) etc. More...
class  SquareRoot
 It's a Exponented under a square root The Exponented can be either numeric or literal. More...
class  Operation
 Abstract mother class of Quotient and of CommutativeOperation. More...
class  Quotient
 Sign, Exponented numerator, Exponented denominator, exponent. More...
class  Fraction
 Quotient of two numeric Sums and/or Products. More...
class  CommutativeOperation
 Abstract mother class of Product and Sum. More...
class  Product
 Has Exponented factors & an exponent. More...
class  Sum
 Has Exponented terms & an exponent. More...
class  Monomial
 A Monomial is a Product of a numeric Exponented and a literal Item. More...
class  Polynomial
 A Polynomial is a Sum of Monomials, not necessarily reduced or ordered. More...
class  Expandable
 Mother class of all expandable objects. More...
class  BinomialIdentity
 These objects are expanded using : (a+b)² = a² + 2ab + b², (a-b)² = a² -2ab + b² and (a+b)(a-b) = a² - b² This object is a Product of two Sums but won't be displayed as is in the case of (a+b)² and (a-b)². More...


tuple markup_choice = cfg.get_value_from_file('MARKUP', 'USE')
 expression_begins = True

Detailed Description

Mathematical elementary arithmetic and algebraic objects.